Thursday, November 27, 2008

For my first real post this will not be anything exciting, but I happened to see an article in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Northwest Arkansas Edition that named a teacher in my part of the state and wanted to pass it along.

Teachers in our school systems have a very challenging job and for these teachers to be finalist for the Teacher of the Year Award they deserve all of our applause.

If you know these teachers thank them. If not thank the next teacher you see.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Blogging is something that I am coming to relatively late, but I am here. Being optimistic, I hope that my best posts are somewhat insightful, even if they are from an angle at which many often ignore. All other posts that are less than the best are hopefully at least entertaining. Even though my posts may be from a very acute or obtuse angle they by no means hold any weight in the world. So please don't assume that I as the author believe they are right, wrong or otherwise, and in all cases please comment on the post.

I am adding this note on the title of my blog - Composite Nerve - to answer an anticipated question, what does your meaning of your title? I chose composite nerve to describe my blog and its posts, which will be probably something that gets on my nerves but also leads me to some analysis of the situation. So with my blog title composite nerve - a nerve that is composite of both motor and sensory fibers - these are things that affect me multiple ways.

So, here's to looking forward and sharing my thoughts on whatever strikes me.